[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://seo21.serpcom.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2017/08/20759290_1517571331640973_6343082353006477312_n-1.jpg” size=”large”]

Developer Cottonwood Management officially broke ground on June 13 on a 133 million square foot Seaport District development that it is calling Echelon Seaport The three building project is set to have 733 apartments and condos Some 448 of those will be condos 20759290 1517571331640973 6343082353006477312 n 1

Developer Cottonwood Management officially broke ground on June 13 on a 1.33 million-square-foot Seaport District development that it is calling Echelon Seaport. The three-building project is set to have 733 apartments and condos. Some 448 of those will be condos…

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